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Millersburg Animal Clinic Blog

Spooky but Safe: How to Keep Your Pet Calm During Halloween


Halloween is a time to celebrate with friends and family and have fun with spooky costumes, which is why most people look forward to this holiday. However, for pets, it can be a terrifying experience. Often, they get scared by the sudden appearance of strangers, loud noises, and unfamiliar smells, which can lead to anxiety or even aggression. It's essential to keep a close eye on your pet when the festivities are happening outside, and even inside your home.

Costumes can be scary and uncomfortable for pets

While dressing up in costumes can be fun, your pets might not be on board with the idea. Most pets are not used to wearing costumes, and the sensory experience can be overwhelming for them. Noisy, and tight clothes can make them uncomfortable, anxious, or even frightened. Moreover, costumes that involve masks or hats can limit their vision and hearing, further adding to their fear.

Beyond costumes — other dangers for pets

While costumes are a significant part of Halloween, there are other dangers you need to be aware of when it comes to your pets. Here are some of the most significant threats you need to watch out for:

  • Candy/Chocolate: Halloween treats are not safe for pets. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can be toxic to dogs. Candy may contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and can cause severe consequences such as seizures, vomiting, and even death.
  • Candles: Candles and pumpkins make for excellent Halloween decorations, but they can be hazardous to your pets. Your pet may accidentally knock over the candle which could lead to injury or in the worst-case scenario, a fire.
  • Excitement at the door: Trick-or-treaters knocking at the door can be a happy moment for people, but it might cause stress for your pets. The constant knocking, ringing, or noise can induce fear or anxiety in pets.
  • Extra Noise: The loud noises from doorbells or people laughing and cheering outside the door can also be frightening for pets. These things may also cause behavioral issues like anxiety, fear, or stress in our pets.

How to create a quiet space for your pet

It's essential to create a comfortable and safe space for your pet during Halloween. You can create a little corner for them in your home, with their bed, toys, and blanket. It should be a quiet room away from the front entrance. Also, consider adding white noise or calming music to soothe their nerves.

Halloween can be stressful for pets, and it's essential to take action to ensure their safety. Be aware of the potential dangers that could harm your furry friend and take steps to keep them out of harm's way. Creating a quiet space for them and avoiding costumes will make a significant difference in their stress levels. With these tips, you will have a safe and happy Halloween with your furry loved one.


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